Czech folk
Spirituál kvintet - Batalion (Markytánka)
R: Víno más a markytánku, dlouhá noc se prohyrí,
víno más a chvilku spánku, díky, díky, verbíri.
1. Dríve, nez se rozední, kapitán k osedlání rozkaz dává,
ostruhami do slabin kone pohání,
tam na strane polední cekají zeny, zlatáky a sláva,
do vystrelu z karabin zvon uz vyzvání.
*: Víno na kuráz a pomilovat markytánku,
zítra do Burgund batalion zamírí,
víno na kuráz a k ránu dve hodiny spánku,
díky, díky vám, královstí verbíri.
2. Rozprásen je batalion, poslední vojáci se k zemi hroutí,
na polstári z kopretin budou vecne spát,
neplac, sladká Marion, verbíri nové chlapce privedou ti,
za královsky hermelín padne kazdy rád.
Czech rock
& pop
Buty - Frantisek
Na hladinu rybníka svítí slunícko
a kolem stojí v hustém kruhu topoly,
které tam zasadil jeden hodny clovek,
jmenoval se Frantisek Dobrota.
Frantisek Dobrota, rodák z blízké vesnice
mel hodne detí a jednu starou babicku,
která kdyz umírala, tak mu rekla, Frantisku,
ted dobre poslouchej, co más vsechno udelat.
Balabambam, balabambam [3x]
A kolem rybníka nahusto nasázet topoly.
Frantisek udelal vsechno, co mu rekla babicka
balabambam, balabambam
A po snídani poslal deti do skoly
zebrinák s náradím dotáhl od chalupy k rybníku
vykopal díry a zasadil topoly.
Od té doby vítr na hladinu nefouká,
takze je klidná jako zrcadlo
slunícko tam svítí vzdycky rádo,
protoze v nem vidí Frantiskovu babicku.
Nickelback - How You Remind Me
Singer: Chad Kroeger; style: post-grunge,
classic rock. All the good bits from rock are in there, from the Led Zeppelin, Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, Red
Hot Chilli Peppers, Staind to Puddle Of Mudd.
Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing
Tired of living like a blind man
I'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling
And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me of what I really am
This is how you remind me of what I really am
It's not like you to say sorry, I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken for handing you a heart worth breaking
And I've been wrong, I've been down, to the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head scream "are we having fun yet?"
yet, yet, yet, no, no [2x]
It's not like you didn't know that
I said I love you and I swear I still do
And it must have been so bad
Cause living with me must have damn near killed you
And this is how, you remind me of what I really am
This is how, you remind me of what I really am
It's not like you to say sorry, I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken for handing you a heart worth breaking
And I've been wrong, I've been down, to the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head scream "are we having fun yet?"
yet, yet, yet, no, no [4x]
Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing
And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me
This is how you remind me of what i really am
This is how you remind me of what i really am
It's not like you to say sorry, I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken for handing you a heart worth breaking
And I've been wrong, I've been down, to the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head scream "are we having fun yet?"
yet, yet
are we having fun yet, yet yet [3x]
No, no.
Des'ree - Life
Growing up in South London, Des'ree's introduction to music
came from her parents who, coming to Britain from the Caribbean, brought with them their island sounds, enabling their daughter
to experience reggae, calypso and jazz along with British pop music.
I'm afraid of the dark 'specially when I'm in the park And
there's no-one else around, Ooh I get the shivers. I don't want to see a ghost, it's a sight that I fear most. I'd
rather have a piece of toast and watch the evening news
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life doo doot doot dooo. Life,
oh life, oh life, oh life doo doot dooo.
I'm a superstitious girl, I'm the worst in the world. Never walk under
ladders, I keep a rabbits' tail. I'll take you up on a dare, anytime, anywhere. Name the place, I'll be there, bungee
jumping, I don't care!
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life doo doot doot dooo. Life, oh life, oh life, oh life doo doot
So after all's said and done I know I'm not the only one. Life indeed can be fun, if you really want
to. Sometimes living out your dreams, Ain't as easy as it seems. You wanna fly around the world, In a beautiful
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life doo doot doot dooo. Life, oh life, oh life, oh life doo doot dooo. 2x
Doo doot doot dooo. 2x
Oh life, oh life. 2x